Thursday, April 29, 2010

"CRUSH" on glass - cw

New photo with more to follow soon! New "CRUSHES" with texture and interesting remnants. Need to haul out the camera, glass, mini tent and my computer patience - then I will post them! Just had a fun little trunk show here in Santa Fe!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

inspiration - cw

We just got back from two trunk shows in Southern California! Naturally, it was chaos so I do not have photos. But let me tell you about one man who bought a "CRUSH". This is a man who gardens, landscapes and does other hard outside work. All my years growing up, we would see him with his mower working hard. He is gruff and a little scary (as a kid). He sports a fishing cap, a T-shirt and a jacket to keep the sun off. Anyway, he liked the necklaces and got one to wear for fun and as a conversation piece. This was really fun for me.................! I enjoy that my daughter and her friends, 10ish, love them and my dad, 70ish, also wears one 24/7. It is fun seeing who is tickled by these and who isn't!